75th canadian blood services donation picture

Recently, I reached a milestone that means a lot to me—my 75th donation to Canadian Blood Services. Giving blood has always been important to me, but it became deeply personal when my son needed blood to survive.

Blood products kept my son alive for several days, giving my wife and I precious time with him—time I will forever be grateful for. Despite the incredible efforts of medical professionals and the generosity of people who donated blood—people I will never know, never meet, and never get to thank—he didn’t make it. But because of their generosity, we were given those extra days, those extra moments. That is a gift I will never take for granted.

That’s why I give. Every donation is a chance to help someone in need, to support families facing unimaginable challenges, and to honor my son’s memory in a way that truly matters. When I talk about this, I always want people to understand that while my story is heartbreaking, unfortunately it is not unique. Right now, there are families here in Edmonton—not in some far-off place, but right in our own backyard—whose lives could be completely changed for the better by the kindness of a stranger. A single donation can make all the difference.

From day one of my career as a Real Estate Agent, I made a personal pledge to donate 2% of all my commissions to Canadian Blood Services. I do this because I believe in the life-saving work they do every day, and I want to give back in a meaningful way.

If you’ve ever considered donating, I encourage you to take that step. You never know whose life you might change—someone you’ll never meet, but who will be forever grateful.

Categories: Giving Back